Sunday, February 1, 2009

How To Cange Lock Of Vip

planning a political campaign by how many city councilmen? Model

The municipal council is composed of a number of council members determined by the number of people you have.
As established in Article 19.1 LRBRL:
"The government and local government, except in those municipalities that operate legally under a Councilman Open, for the council, composed of the Mayor and Councillors "
As can be seen in this article, there is an exception to the composition by municipal councilors. are those communities with fewer than 100 inhabitants and is governed by the open council system.
All other municipalities shall be governed by the provisions of Article 179.1 LOREG:
"Every municipality is a district in which the number of councilors elected resulting from the implementation of the following scale:
to 250 residents --- 5 councilors
From 251 to 1000 --- 7 councilors
From 1001 to 2000 - - 9 councilors
From 2001 to 5000 --- 11 councilors
From 5001 to 10,000 --- 13 councilors
From 10,001 to 20,000 - - 17 councilors
From 20,001 to 50,000 --- 21 councilors
From 50,001 to 100,000 --- 25 councilors
of 100,001 on, a council more per 100,000 residents or fraction thereof, add one more when the outcome is number par ".
Determining the number of councilors per municipality as well as your choice, found in Article 140 of the English Constitution the fundamental legal basis:
"The Constitution guarantees the autonomy of the municipality. These shall enjoy full legal personality. His government and administered by their respective councils, consisting of Mayors and Councillors. The councilors will be freely elected by the residents of the municipality by univerdal suffrage, equal, free, direct and secret ballot in the manner prescribed by law. Mayors are elected by the Councillors or by the neighbors. The law shall regulate the conditions under which the regime applicable open council. "


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