Friday, May 15, 2009

Generate Drivers License Number


Subjects of the procedure.

agreements governing bodies and local administration should be subject to a regulated procedure or not but should always include the purpose of the act and the security of the governed.

To achieve this we will address the Legal System of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure (LRJPA). Imposing a set of rules and absolutes / general all administrations, including local authorities, should respect in their procedures.

On procedure subjects must distinguish between the competent administrative authority concerned by the procedure. As in the case of interest where it accumulates more judgments and case law in an attempt to define its extent.

competent administrative body.

The body competent to initiate and resolve the procedure is limited in Local Authorities who have defined competition in these proceedings. Plenary, Committee on Government or Mayor shall be allocated according to the distribution of powers established in the LRBRL (Arts 21,22,23,33,34,35,123,124 and 127). Accept that those who receive competition for delegation is both the administrative body responsible for the procedure.

Interested in the procedure.

If the competent bodies to participate in the local administrative procedure serves a pure test material. In the case of stakeholders are addressed to a criterion of right or legitimate interest in it to allow it to intervene in the proceedings.

* What is a legitimate concern?
  • The Constitutional Court in STC 252/2000 states:
  • "is potential ownership of an asset or a useful legal not necessarily financial content by the person who exercises the claim and to prosper it would materialize, that is, the legitimate interest is any advantage or benefit derived legal prestendida repair.
  • And according to art. 31 LRJPA:
  • "1. Stakeholders are considered in the administrative procedure: A) Those who promote such holders of rights or legitimate individual or collective interests. B) Those who, prior to beginning the procedure, have rights that may be affected by the decision that it is adopted. C) Those whose legitimate interests, individual or collective may be affected by the resolution and of those in the proceedings so no decision final.
  • 2. Associations and organizations representing social and economic interests, will own collective legitimate interests in the terms that the law recognizes.
  • 3. When the condition of interest arising from any legal relationship transferable, the beneficiary will happen in that capacity regardless of the status of the proceedings.

* Secondary stakeholders, and interested stakeholders fuzzy accessories.

  • Interesado secundario. Titulares de derecho a los que es obligado notificar la incoación de un expediente.
  • Interesado accesorio. Titulares de intereses legítimos a los que no es obligado efectuar esa notificación, pero que pueden comparecer en el expediente y formular alegaciones, siempre que se personen antes de que caiga resolución definitiva.
  • Interesados difusos. Son aquellos que pertenecen a una comunidad, grupo o asociación. No se incluye en esta categoría a los concejales, por cuanto ellos ostentan una representación política que no pueden invocar para ser parte in an administrative proceeding. The interest of any Councillor to the actions of the organs is in accordance with law is not sufficient for the recognition of locus standi.

Congratulations On The New Baby Phrases

What I have to know a Councilmember 2.0? Errors

A council member who intends to reach its citizens is an essential tool for this: the web 2.0.

What is Web 2.0? It is the second stage we live on the Internet that differs from web 1.0.
web 1.0: user is the massive stage where information flows vertically, from top to bottom, without waiting for any interaction.
Web 2.0: Is the stage User bidirectional communication. Information travels horizontally, relationships are also horizontal.

In this world of users of these virtual communities have a selective behavior. Ie only move through the web sites and spaces, custom and friends, acquaintances and contacts. This determines who do not like an invasion of advertising or unsolicited propaganda. Something to keep in mind that the council move into this world. And that will take you to create your own social network authorized and voluntarily, avoiding mass mailing or intrusion into the existing social networks.

This determines that the personal blog of a councilman should not be not overly corporate or "commercial" to achieve that enhances the interaction with the final recipient.

Get a style mix of information 2.0 1.0 with spaces should be the final strategy of someone who wants to have virtual presence. A virtual presence is achieved through different means: corporate website, online newsletters, blogs, virtual activism, ....

Today Web 2.0 is characterized by a series of conclusions, which circumscribe the blog tool, as the tool used:
  • A widespread political sectarianism.
  • are a source of information for journalists. Broadening
  • politics.
  • new leaders have been generated.
  • The blog is profoundly individualistic.
  • There are blogs of propaganda, information or opinions.
  • Blogs are a part of social networks.
  • Web 2.0 connects politics with individual initiative.
  • Current times have transformed the digital community, civil society and cyber passive militancy.
  • Politicians do not listen are politicians of the past.
  • bloggers are able to generate an opinion. Must be taken into account.
  • The Citizen 2.0 is constantly informed. Now find a critic and a perpetual sense analysis of what happens.

And with that, I hope you have good reason to go open your blog.

And if you want to email me if it was released .... happy to advise.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pot Light Design Plan

teamwork and tips do well.

Many leaders in their curriculum develop practical policies that undermine the effective and efficient of human resources. Scarce one hand, and lack of motivation common in the private sector, on the other.
Some of these harmful practices are:

1 .- Generate higher expectations.
2 .- Allow to bypass those responsible that they themselves have appointed. Skip overstepping their responsibilities and the practice of "I do everything." 3 .- Create
because of internal divisions among its members distinctions that prevail in certain objective or subjective factors. 4 .- Create
erroneous organizational structures or modify existing ones without regard to the need for changes to be made so progressive, with the participation of all its components. 5 .- Reject
certain persons to take account of subjective considerations (belonging to another group, do not share all of your positions or just not near your regular computer). It is perhaps the biggest problem found inside political parties and the main source of conflict living electoral formations of all kinds.
6 .- Lying to the members of your party. Lost confidence, not never recovered.
7 .- Do not believe that nothing justifies harassment and demolition attitudes against one or some of your classmates. On the image, credibility or logic when something happens, they feel involved, and find a solution. If you can not find ??... accept that elections will be giving a gun to his opponent. And of course, do not think these situations are ever redeemed. Always follow you until the defeat.

What is clear is that teamwork is essential in the daily life of a political party. In government or opposition, to delegate well and meet targets, it becomes essential to implement a strategy that allows you to maintain or achieve the leadership election.

A political leader must understand the need to delegate to their peers equipment.

Delegate involves making a transfer functions and responsibilities.

A delegation must meet a set of tips if you want it to be effective:
1. A delegation must occur gradually, piece by piece. Something that will monitor the process to improve performance and fix bugs.
2. There should be a dialogue that allows the mutual knowledge and the recipient who delegated the delegation.
3. Creating a climate of trust and confidence which reinforces positive to awaken interest in the unknown from which it receives the new features.
4. Identify problems and face. It is the only way to overcome more than likely potholes that appear in the process.
5. Encourage open communication and fluid that has the objective of enhancing the members of the team risk taking, individual decision making and the desire to Do learn from their experiences.

Words Of Welcome Sample

external legal consultants in the administration.

I leave a link to the post published in Public Law Blog Sevach which analyzes one of the most pernicious practices that exist in the Administration, and that is, hiring external legal consultants.

Why? Such reports

meet any outside legal the following goals: Strengthen
  • political criteria. If an author would legalize cocaine, never missing a consultant who handled the Human Rights Convention, the resolutions of the WHO, the constitutional right to privacy or the Twelve Tables, well seasoned with dog-Latin, get no longer sustain their legality but the obligation of consumption and supply. This in an elaborate report, with stamps and colorful, and signed by some unscrupulous scholar. Sort
  • inconvenient technical reports. If one wants to circumvent the competition authority to award a contract or the selective tests to recruit a buddy, or reclassify urbanistically land, and the only stumbling block is a report of the Chief corresponding simply seek an opinion from an external consultancy to get the abracadabra that it was impossible to feasible and desirable.
  • prebendal Trading in influence and to politicians on the bench (in a sporting sense) and should be in another bench (in the criminal sense).