Monday, February 16, 2009

Pokemon Heart Gold Configuration

Dignity Down syndrome

El síndrome de Down (SD) es un trastorno genético causado por la presencia de una copia extra del cromosoma 21 (o una parte del mismo), en vez de los dos habituales (trisomía del par 21), caracterizado por la presencia de un grado variable de retraso mental y unos rasgos físicos peculiares que le dan un aspecto reconocible. Es la causa más frecuente de discapacidad psíquica congénita y debe su nombre a John Langdon Haydon Down que fue el primero en describir esta alteración genética en 1866, aunque nunca llegó a descubrir las causas que la producían. En julio de 1958 a young researcher named Jérôme Lejeune discovered that the syndrome is a disorder in that pair of chromosomes.

currently in a show of schizophrenia, we investigate the cause to a cure and, on the other hand, allows a mother to abort her child with Down syndrome . In this playful society devoid of values \u200b\u200band moral relativism prevalent, has no right to be born a human being with SD. Statistics indicate that the 80% of mothers suffering decide to abort this chromosomal abnormality. Interestingly, this abortion supporters argue that the SD at this rate will end disappearing. This is as false as saying that killing with flu flu go away. To eliminate a disease is to eliminate the cause or create a vaccine against it.
Happiness is the mood that delights in the possession of the property. Life is a great good, that gives us joy even in the disease.
The following video produced by the parents of Eliot, is a testimony of love for life:


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