Saturday, November 14, 2009

Replacement Cusion Chesterfield

The Future of Medicine

just last week seminars "practical" for the first quarter sixth. I say "practical" because some simply give the agenda does not fit into the usual program, and others are simply repetitions of lectures. The exception to the rule have up a series of 3 2-hour seminars are entitled "Integrated Clinical Cases", given by Deputy Internal Medicine. It is basically
before us a case, more or less complicated, a group of about 20 to 30 projects a doctor and as a group, we propose the exploratory maneuvers and tests additional we would ask in each case, and with Professor correcting us, if we move in together. Until guesses the next step will not proceed to the next issue of the case, until you diagnose and offer treatment. It's pretty fun because you get excited and think, Damn, how much we know, right?. Are beginning to pay off these 6-year career. We want to call our mother, we inflate as turkeys, believe us capable of anything, the next House , Wilson and Cameron .

Until the next day reality hit me that smack. One morning, between relatively things easy as a failure decompensated heart failure, a sinus infection and iron deficiency anemia , diagnosed between all Takayasu's disease and Sarcoidosis. That's nothing. But then, when I say that I was aware of the reality, naive of me is that I realized that the trap was precisely this, that 25 heads thinking we were a fairly competent physician. But surely the same situation, individually, we would have water everywhere. But do not need to see us with a simulator of emergency is in the computers of the faculty, which takes away thousands of points for such obvious things as forgetting taking blood pressure or oxygen to certain occasions. I hope that during our initial guards, our work will be quite limited since calmed me enough to hear from an attachment: " you do not worry about that, do not expect anything a R1." Well, I'm relieved, but I also reiterates the harsh reality: we will leave the race without having any idea bitch, and I look at my first duty was JD in Scrubs pilot :


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