Saturday, November 21, 2009

German Schützenschnur Be On Your Erb

The secret of his eyes

write again to talk about a movie. And again I do well after its release, but this time I've spent three towns, I think it is most theaters (nearly two months ago was released.) Truth is I saw long ago, I do not understand how I could not think to recommend it on the blog at once, because it mejorcito what I've seen this year. I'm talking about The secret of his eyes , directed by JJ Campanella ( Luna de Avellaneda, the bride's son ...).

Where to begin? Difficult. Why has it all. For example, a sublime script, written halfway between himself and E. Campanella Sacheri ( writer's question eyes, the book on which it is based). We are located in Argentina in the 90's, in which Benjamin Exposito, a retired judicial system intended to write a novel about a brutal murder occurred 20 years ago. From here, we embarked on a parallel development of the two time lines, very smooth and natural (we do not lose at any time), carried on wings of characters who are just outstanding.
While advancing the investigations, Expósito, always helped by Sandoval (a secondary comic book played by Guillermo Francella , which immediately sympathetic to the viewer), delves into a plot that goes dark at times, giving place a piece of thriller whose background a complicated love story between the protagonist and Irene Menéndez (Soledad Villamil ), as turbulent as the crime is reported. This trio of players gives a strength to extraordinary film, based on a series of dialogues and situations (how nice could include a hypothetical example book entitled How to write a good script ) interpreted so that the viewer perfectly captures the chemistry between the three, making a believable story 100%. A bit in the shadow of these giants is Javier Godino , which shapes Isidoro Gomez , the main suspect in the murder, but also gives us highlights.
Bottom line? An awesome movie , with all the letters. Film both Affinty Imdb as have mean scores close to 9 / 10. Say it sounds like a candidate to Oscar for best foreign film, and no wonder. In fact, if American, he would fall more than one ... I leave you with the trailer .

* Thanks to films how are you I'm "starting" in Argentine cinema, the truth is that what little I've seen I liked. I thought we could also write about movies that I do not recommend, because in the end it seems that everything is compliments ...


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