Monday, February 8, 2010

Does Mineral Water Digestions

Nintendo damages

As a novelty, in a desperate attempt to get closer some of my older cousins \u200b\u200b , and without a precedent, we are reading the blog entry about medicine documented its relatively short history. Seriously, documented document of reference, appointment, rubbing eyes follow you. The downside is, it could not be otherwise, that is absolute crap, but for a start, and we could not lose sight of the house brand in the form of nonsense, of course. Articles talk description of injuries attributed to the use of game consoles. I do not know if it will happen, but I've found relate almost exclusively to Nintendo, and put three representative examples:

fractures and other injuries caused by the Wii

If you put "Wii " in the search Pubmed , you will realize that playing this little machine is seriously endanger our more or less graceful anatomy. Within minutes, I found from patellar dislocations, fractures and knee epiphyseal clavicular fractures to more serious things such as cervical fractures, hemothorax and head trauma. I must say that although almost everything I've read are case reports (descriptions very specific cases, so that you can not say that injuries are common), I was surprised the wide range of pupae you can do one with the grace of the Wii.
In the photo on the right (zoom in to see more detail) shows the case that came across in the NEJM this week and took me to write this entry: a girl of 14 who twists his ankle in a fall Table of Wii fit and finish with the classic fracture of the base of the 5 th metatarsal.
even curiosities of life, there is an article called "acute Wiitis" (referring to a shoulder tendonitis from overuse of the wireless controller) which is written by Julio Bonis , is that the world is a handkerchief.


This is something more common. It is certain injury to tendons of the thumb by the repeated use of the command, resulting in a (bad call) tendinitis in any order. It's quite annoying but not painful and it's just with some anti-inflammatory and steeping his hand and console a few days. He described the early 90's coincided with the spread of the consoles in our homes, many cases appear related to the NES and Super Nintendo , although today it can be generalized to any console (all "gamer" as the who writes it must have felt greater or lesser extent on their fingers.)

Nintendinitis ulcerative

This unusual case is due to the indiscriminate use controlled from the Nintendo 64 Mario Party, which on certain occasions we are asked us to catch the pad as shown in the image. If you spend too much time on this game, your hand will look like a pretty sore. If you insist, there have been cases of multiple blisters to vary the area of \u200b\u200bthe palm where the joystick support. My roommate gives me a confirmation no documented: he says that he and his cousins \u200b\u200bhave been in their own flesh more than once.

In conclusion, in addition to the sedentary lifestyle associated with using this type of entertainment (although this may be changing due to new proposals such as the Wii or Natal), with a consequent increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity ( studies have found a very strong correlation between the number of hours dedicated to the console and BMI), is that we have seen countless additional problems if we screw us, or directly, if we are idiots, as in the video " The bullshit of the moment. " Tells you a gamer.

References: Eley
KA. A Wii fracture. N Engl J Med 2010 Feb 4; 362 (5) :473-4. Brasington R.
Nintendinitis. N Engl J Med 1990, 322:1473-4. J. Casanova
Nintendinitis. J Hand Surg Am. 1991 Jan; 16 (1): 181.
J. Bonis Acute Wiiitis. N Engl J Med 2007, 356:2431-2.
Robinson RJ. Wii Knee. Emerg Radiol. 2008 Jul; 15 (4) :255-7.
Brown CN.
Wii-related A clay-shoveler's fracture. ScientificWorldJournal. 2009 Nov 1; 9:1190-1. TH Koh
. Ulcerative "Nintendinitis": a new kind of repetitive strain injury. Med J Aust . 2000 Dec 4-18; 173 (11-12): 671.


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