Friday, January 16, 2009

Can Rolling Shoulders Cause Dizziness

oratory: an essential quality of Councilman

Desde este blog quiero hacer ver la importancia para el Concejal de tener una buena oratoria.

Políticos de todo el mundo han demostrado que con este "don" han sido capaces de movilizar a las masas, transmitirles sus pensamientos y hacerles partícipes de sus actuaciones.

Os dejo uno que, hoy en día, sigue emocionando a quién lo escucha. Cuanto más cerca estemos de este modelo, más cerca estaremos de la "perfecta oratoria".

Te proponemos que reflexiones sobre este discurso , 1963 and I will show, translated, as it was.

notice that shaped poem. This is because, really, in his speech has a cadence poema.Recuerda in oral discourse silences say much or more than words. Anaphors or repetitions we find ("Let them come to Berlin") provide rhythm to the speech, as well as the emotional connotations that contain, speaking to the hearts of people.

KENNEDY, JUNE 26, 1963

2000 years ago that we

vanagloriábamos the Civis Romanus sum


Today, and the world of freedom, the proudest words

I ch bin ein Berliner. (I am a Berliner)

There are many people in the world do not understand, or

says not understand,

what's the big difference between the free world and the communist world.

Let them come to Berlin.

There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future.

Let them come to Berlin.

And there are some who say in Europe and elsewhere,

we can cooperate with the Communists.

Let them come to Berlin.

And even there a few who say it is

true that communism is a system demoniac

but allows economic progress.

Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen.

Let them come to Berlin.


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