Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Removing Formaldehyde Smell


reproduce the important and illuminating pronouncement of the Official College of Architects of Seville (COAS) on implanting the alleged university library in the Prado de San Sebastian de Sevilla.

SEVILLA, 30 Jun. (EUROPA PRESS) - The Official College of Architects of Seville (COAS) today released a report on the implementation of the new library at the University of Sevilla (U.S.) in the Prado de San Sebastian, where "technically and legally is shelled the deficiencies and alterations have been made in the implementation of the library. " The reason for this report is the statement of June 4, Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA), which he described as "very solid", which freezes the construction of the library. Speaking to reporters, the dean of the College of Architects, Angel Díaz del Río, said "Riaño Diego Avenue has a playground well-wrought, and the city has adopted "He noted that the Prado de San Sebastian" is part of the Historic city of Seville. "Thus, according to the report, the implementation of the Library attended by two types of principal circumstances. On the one hand, the alteration of the use of a General System of Free Space. In Andalusia, and according to Article 36 of the LOUA, provides that "any innovation that soil desfecte bound to parks and gardens should contemplate the compensation to maintain the proportion and quality of the allocations with respect to use and it will be necessary to justify the requirement for a destination for that purpose. "The report states that at the Prado de San Sebastian, "nor has qualified land for new gardens or use has decreased, but on the contrary, has a strikingly increased." In this regard, the dean claimed that "the General System of Open Spaces can not alter the use of the parks because they are part of the city, and one of the most structural of them." "The Prado has created a landscape and it is logical to keep it," he added. In addition, the report refers to the Prado de San Sebastian is a piece included in the Historic Seville and that it has some characteristics derived from its origin as "community space, public use and not buildable." "Building library results in the alteration of an item within the scope of the Historic, which is intended to be protected like any other building, "said Diaz del Rio. On the other hand, the COAS in this report refers to altering the" essence historical "unit space for public use Prado de San Sebastian, entering buildings and uses proprietary, although their fate is a public facility," contradicts what the Memory Management of Urban Management Plan (Plan) mentioned on free space and its contribution to the structuring and recognition of the city. "Finally, this report suggests that sustainability" is not must remain in a statement in the planning, but the management that sets it has to be allocated to their achievement and greater protection and improved quality of life referred to in Article 45.2 of the Constitution.


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